At Parsloes, our ARP is a 10 place, Local Authority maintained provision for children with Autism Spectrum Conditions.
At Parsloes, our ARP is a 10 place, Local Authority maintained provision for children with Autism Spectrum Conditions.
Parsloes ARP (Additionally Resourced SEND Provision) is a specialist provision where children whose primary need is Autism attend full time. Children need to have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) to attend this setting. The ARP is highly structured and each child accesses a curriculum tailored to their individual needs and ability using their EHCP targets.
As a Local Authority maintained provision, places at Parsloes ARP are allocated by the local authority Education Health Care (EHC) Team. Places are not allocated by the school. Being a pupil at Parsloes Primary School does not give any advantage in the allocation of ARP places.
After receiving a consultation referral from the ECHP Team, we consider if we are able to meet the needs of the child within our setting. We will visit the child in their current setting and liaise with parents/carers and other professionals.
There will be occasions when we cannot offer a placement and the referral would be declined. This could be because:
Visits to the ARP are welcome. Please contact the school office on 020 8270 4925 or
For further information about placements at the ARP please contact the EHC Team on 020 8227 2400 or
Teaching and Learning
Children access a safe, dedicated space specifically designed for their needs but placed firmly within our mainstream school. Our ARP is part of the school community and have opportunities to access the mainstream school.
It is recognised that children in the ARP need access to a wide range of learning opportunities and not just the academic skills. Children need teaching and learning to cover social interaction, communication skills, emotional regulation and sensory regulation techniques. It is also important that children are taught life skills, particularly those that will keep themselves and others safe.
Our bespoke curriculum is carefully planned to help motivate the children to learn, making use of interests and learning styles. Children have individual targets that are incorporated into everyday teaching across the learning environments including mainstream, outdoor provision and home. All children take part in daily small group and individual learning.
The ARP offers three curriculum pathways to support and develop the needs of individual learners. The pathways in the ARP are pre-formal (sensory), semi-formal and formal.
The ARP is managed by our Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion and is led by a full time specialist teacher. A team of specialist support assistants also work in the provision.
Our specialist teachers and support staff work with a range of professionals and external agencies to ensure the children are well supported and have their individual needs met.
We build strong and meaningful relationships with our parents/carers and recognise the important contribution parents/carers make to their child’s learning. We communicate with parents/carers regularly and encourage them to share information with staff.
A termly meeting is held between home and school to share pupils’ learning and progress. In addition, there is an annual EHCP review. Parents/carers are encouraged to actively support with target setting and work at home.
Top Tips for Parents
Sycamore Trust – Rooted in the community – Autism Spectrum Disorders