14 Mar Year 4 – Sycamore Class – World Book Day
On World Book Day, Sycamore class enjoyed so many different activities, dressed up as their favourite characters. This is what some of the children said:
“On World Book Day, we went to Y5 to hear some stories. At Ms Connolly’s class, we read a book called ‘The Bugaboo’ and ‘The Book with No Pictures’, which were amazing. Then, in Ms Begum’s class, we read the book ‘How to Live Forever’. It was so good!”
“In Science, we decorated plastic disposable water bottles and made them into rockets. We filled them with vinegar and baking soda outside and waited for them to explode. They didn’t go too high but it was still amazing. My group’s one sadly didn’t explode at first, but it did when Mr Cracknell picked it up, it exploded all over him; it was hilarious!”
“During the Science experiment, we got bottles and put three straws on them as legs, so they would stand upright. Then, we opened the lid and filled them with 250ml vinegar. Next, we took them outside and added the baking soda and then BOOM!”
“On World Book Day, we made firework art by cutting paper, turning it into a stencil. Then, we took a black piece of paper and place the stencil over it. With colourful chalk, we made lines and used white chalk to create an outline around the stencil and the firework art was done!”