At Parsloes Primary School we provide all children with full access to the curriculum, enabling them to achieve confidence and competence – ‘mastery’ – in maths. This will enable them to develop the new maths skills and knowledge they need for the future. It is essential to everyday life and therefore, by providing a high-quality mathematics curriculum, we are ensuring a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, as well as encouraging the pupils to appreciate the sense of enjoyment and curiosity they can have about the subject.
At Parsloes Primary School, we want all pupils to become enthusiastic and confident mathematical thinkers. By providing rich, active learning environments, children will be fluent and will be able to explain their reasoning using the precise mathematical language.
Within lessons there are links to real-life situations and the lessons incorporate a hands-on approach with manipulatives for the pupils to use, as well as time given to work and collaborate with others on problem-solving. We highlight the key vocabulary needed within lessons which allows the children to speak confidently in various topic areas of maths.
The content and principles underpinning the 2014 curriculum and the Maths curriculum at Parsloes Primary School reflect those found in high-performing education systems, such as Singapore and China.
These principles and features characterise the ‘mastery’ approach which we undertake in our teaching of Maths and how this is implemented:-
Please find below a link to a guide of how to learn times tables across the school:
Parents’ Guide for Times Tables