14 Mar Year 1 – World Book Day
For World Book Day Year 1 we explored the story, Elmer. We discussed how important it is to be unique and focussed on what made us all special. First, we designed our own Elmer, thinking about what colours and patterns would represent our personality. We turned these into puppets! Next, we designed a background for our puppets, thinking about our favourite places to be. After that, we took turns writing our very own script. Finally, we used all of our creations to create an Elmer video! It contained our puppets, backgrounds and even an audio of our script! We were then able to watch our videos back and were very proud of what we had achieved! To end the day, we then went on an Elmer parade around the school to showcase the amazing work we had produced! The day finished with a World Book Day assembly, where we shared our learning with the rest of the school.