What is Votes for Schools?
Votes for Schools is a weekly current affairs platform, which supports discussions on challenging topical issues, empowering our pupils to have their voices heard by voting and commenting on a key question relating to political and social issues. Through weekly debating and voting, not only are our pupils learning about the world around them, they are becoming prepared for participating in our democratic processes, as they learn about themselves, others and the world around them.
Please find below links to an example of a Votes for Schools topic that was looked at: ‘Should children use phones in schools?’
How does it work?
Each week the children are presented with a question on a Monday afternoon during their ‘Mindful Monday’ session. Then the pupils have their vote by Friday. The vote of Yes/No is taken in each class and this information is collated. This shows us what our children’s views are, how they compare to local and national views of other children, and our vote contribution will support further action to be taken.
This is an example of one of the votes, for the question: Should more children get free school meals?

Pupil Voice
When asked for the pupils’ views on Votes for Schools, it was clear that the pupils enjoy learning about current issues in our society and how they may affect their lives.

Enjoy speaking to your children to find out what they have been discussing on a weekly basis.
Votes for Schools Overview