At Parsloes Primary School we are proud to be part of the growing network of MindUP schools who promote the mental health and emotional wellbeing of our whole school community.
The Curriculum
The unique evidence-based framework provides knowledge and understanding of neuroscience, mindful awareness, positive psychology and mindful practices to affect positive change within the classroom and beyond. The 15-lesson curriculum includes practices developed to help children improve their focus, manage their emotions and face challenges with resilience, kindness and compassion.
The MindUP lessons are complemented by the ‘Brain Break’. This core mindful breathing exercise, which takes place three times a day, enables pupils and staff to calm their minds, focus and get ready to learn.
The interactive teaching and learning approaches, complemented by whole-school mindful practices, help create an exciting learning environment within which children can thrive academically, socially and emotionally.
Our Shared Vision
MindUP is central to our strategic vision, it supports us to create a whole-school culture of respect, understanding, positivity and aspirations within which we can all grow and flourish.
Further Information
For further details about the MindUP programme, including research findings, the curriculum overview and case studies, visit
Mindful Monday
As part of our commitment towards well-being and mindfulness, children across the school have dedicated time set aside to be emerged in positive wellbeing and mindfulness. This is every Monday afternoon and it is called Mindful Monday. This is the time that our MindUP curriculum is delivered, PSHE lessons, circle time and votes for school assemblies are held.