Dear Parents/Carers,
Spring Term 2025 Newsletter – Edition 44
Dear Parents and Carers,
Safer Internet Day
Last week we marked Safer Internet Day with a special assembly when we came together to raise awareness about the importance of staying safe online. We welcomed our Local Authority Advisory teacher, Mrs Gillian Brately to school who led an assembly for pupils and a workshop for parents. For those parents who could not attend please find a link below to the information she shared.
For further information please refer to our website. Our Safeguarding page has many useful links about online safety.
World Book Day – Friday 7th March
On Friday 7th March, we will be celebrating World Book Day. Pupils will be exploring a book as a class and sharing their work with the school in a special assembly. Pupils should dress as a book character to mark this occasion. If you have any outfits that no longer fit your child please do share them with the school so we can ensure they go to a good home. In addition we will be celebrating with a special lunch on that day.
Careers Week
Careers week is an exciting time for Primary School pupils, when they get a chance to discover a variety of careers that exist in the world and begin to think about the possibilities for their future. It’s a fun and interactive way to learn about different roles. Today the pupils had the opportunity to select from a variety of career paths including doctor, pharmacist, police officer, engineer, animator, travel agent, historian, coder, rugby player, dancer and fashion designer.
At Parsloes we want our pupils to aspire to achieve well at Parsloes and beyond.
Red Nose Day
As a school we will be marking Red Nose Day when pupils may wear Red Nose Day merchandise in addition to their school uniform. Our red buckets will be available at the start and end of the day for any donations you wish to make for this valuable cause.
Musician of the Week
Every week, we learn about a different musician in school, from different time periods, cultures and styles of music. After half term, we will be listening to the music of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons: Winter.
Please remember if you need any uniform for your child that is second hand but in good condition please come along to the main office and we will support you.
School Uniform List
Local Events/Clubs
February Half Term Flyer 2025
Daggers Trust Half term Holiday Camp
Jim Peters Stadium – Football Training for Boys & Girls
Future Youth Zone Leaflet
Wild Cats – Girls’ Football
Barking Mini Rugby Poster
Please take a look below to find out what your children have been doing in school!
We wish you all a safe and happy half term break. See you all again on Monday 24th February 2025.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Karen Deville
Head of School