Dear Parents/Carers,
Spring Term 2025 Newsletter – Edition 43
Dear Parents and Carers,
New Food Bank – Support for our Families
We are pleased to be able to offer our families access to a new local food bank. The food bank is based at the Riverside Church in Parsloes Avenue. If you or someone you know needs support please pop along to the school office and a member of staff will be able to give you support to access.
Junior Duke
We have had some amazing work undertaken at home by our pupils. Pupils have been cooking at home and sewing amongst a variety of other skills. Please do send work into school as these are shared in class.

Book Look – Friday 7th February
It was wonderful to see so many of our parents and carers come along today to see their pupil’s learning. Your children have access to an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum. We hope you found the afternoon very useful. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress please see their class teacher.
Chinese New Year lunch
On Tuesday 11th February we will be celebrating Chinese New Year with a special school lunch including sweet and sour chicken, vegetarian spring rolls and fluffy rice. We look forward to celebrating with the children. See menu below.
Chinese New Year Menu
Careers Week
Next week we will be celebrating Careers week. Pupils will have the opportunity to find out more about various careers during our House Challenge next Friday. Careers being investigated will include engineering, healthcare, animation, interpreters, information technology and many more.
Musician of the Week
Every week, we learn about a different musician in school, from different time periods, cultures and styles of music. Next week we will be listening to the music of Bruno Mars including Don’t Give Up and Count on Me
Please remember if you need any uniform for your child that is second hand but in good condition please come along to the main office and we will support you.
School Uniform List
Local Events/Clubs
February Half Term Flyer 2025
Daggers Trust Half term Holiday Camp
Jim Peters Stadium – Football Training for Boys & Girls
Future Youth Zone Leaflet
Wild Cats – Girls’ Football
Barking Mini Rugby Poster
Please take a look below to find out what your children have been doing in school!
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Karen Deville
Head of School