Dear Parents/Carers,
Spring Term 2025 Newsletter – Edition 41
Dear Parents and Carers,
Watoto Choir Trip

We were delighted to be able to take pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 to see the Watoto Children’s Choir at the Riverside Church this week. The stories told by the children were very moving and inspirational. Our pupils had a wonderful experience watching them dance and sing. Their energy was contagious. A great diverse experience was had by pupils and staff.
House Challenge – University Challenge
Our next House Challenge will be on Friday 14th February. This will be an inspirational day linked to careers week and be linked to potential careers that our young people may be interested in in the future. If you have any links to adults who may be able to visit who have inspirational careers please do see a member of the office staff.
Parent Online Safety Talk – 3rd February 9am
You are invited to come along as part of Safer Internet Day and join us for an online safety talk with our Primary ICT advisory teacher, Gillian Bratley. At this time online safety is at the forefront of every parent and carer’s mind. We want to support you to know how to ensure your child remains safe online. Please come along and join us for a cup of tea while we listen to Gillian’s advice.
Entrance will be via the black gate in the Junior playground.
Book Look – Friday 7th February
You are invited to come into school to see your child’s books at 2.45pm on Friday 7th February. Please come along to the Spurling Road gate for access. We look forward to seeing you then!
Musician of the Week
Every week, we learn about a different musician in school, from different time periods, cultures and styles of music. Next week we will be listening to the classical music of Yu Boya and Zheng Jinwen (Traditional Chinese music)
School Site
Please remember that you cannot access the school site while the pupils are at break or lunch. Please do not arrange to collect pupils for appointments between 10.55 and 11.20 or 12.10 and 1.20. Many thanks for your co-operation.
Please remember if you need any uniform for your child that is second hand but in good condition please come along to the main office and we will support you.
School Uniform List
Local Events/Clubs
Daggers Trust Half term Holiday Camp
Jim Peters Stadium – Football Training for Boys & Girls
Future Youth Zone Leaflet
Wild Cats – Girls’ Football
Barking Mini Rugby Poster
Please take a look below to find out what your children have been doing in school!
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Karen Deville
Head of School