28 Feb Year 1 – PE
This week Year 1 started a new dance unit in PE. First, we took time to listen to the song “I just can’t wait to be King!”. We were able to name the different instruments we could hear and comment on the songs pace and...
This week Year 1 started a new dance unit in PE. First, we took time to listen to the song “I just can’t wait to be King!”. We were able to name the different instruments we could hear and comment on the songs pace and...
Careers week is an exciting time for pupils, where they get a chance to discover a variety of careers that exist in the world and begin to think about the possibilities for their future. It’s a fun and interactive way to learn about different roles. ...
Our pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 marked safer internet day last week with an assembly led by our guest speaker, Gillian Brately, who leads on Computing in schools for the Local Authority. The pupils came together to raise awareness about the importance of...
This week Year 1 held a special art exhibition for our parents and carers to come along and see our learning. The children used a variety of shapes and colours to create a repeated pattern. They showcased their [gallery ids="19298,19299,19300,19301,19302"] amazing African prints to their parents. The...
Year 1 are exploring one of the five continents of the world, Africa. We have focused on learning about the country, Nigeria. The children are able to recall some amazing facts about languages, population and environment. They have had lots of fun role playing in...
Year 1 are exploring the artist ‘Wassily Kandinsky’ in their computing lessons. They will be using the paint app to recreate one of his masterpieces. The children explored a range of tools including: the circle shape, fill button, paint brush and colour bar. [gallery ids="19099,19100,19101,19102,19103,19104,19105,19106"]...
This week Year 1 have been exploring printing in their art lessons. They used a range of objects in paint and observed the prints they made. They then used 2 or 3 objects to create a repeating pattern print [gallery ids="19019,19020,19021,19022,19023"]...
This week Year 1 took part in their Entry Point. They visited a Year 3 lesson and watched an amazing African drumming performance. They then had the opportunity to learn how to play a song on the African drums. The children made some wonderful music! [gallery...
This week Year 1 explored the parts of a body and a face. They took turns drawing around each other and labelling the different parts. They then had the opportunity to draw their own face and label the parts [gallery ids="18857,18856,18855,18854,18853,18852"]...