11 Oct Year 6
In Year 6 this week, we have been continuing to add on to our dance in PE lessons. We have been learning tutting - a movement style from street dance. In English , we completed our setting descriptions and have moved on to the next...
In Year 6 this week, we have been continuing to add on to our dance in PE lessons. We have been learning tutting - a movement style from street dance. In English , we completed our setting descriptions and have moved on to the next...
Year 5 trip at Eastbury Manor House: It was a very interesting and informative day when the students in Year 5 lived the life of a Tudor! The children were greeted by three very knowledgeable and experienced actors who shared much about the Tudor period which...
In Design and Technology this week, Year 4 has been designing a new chocolate treat for Willie Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. First, they decided which flavour combinations would be the most appealing, then they designed eye-catching packaging for their mouthwatering chocolate. Finally,...
In Geography, we have been using the globes, atlases and Google Earth to explore which countries are above, on or below the Equator. We have been thinking about the climate of the different places depending upon where they are in the world. We have also...
This week for P.E, we have been focusing on passing the ball with accuracy in hockey. Passing is the skill of sending the ball to a target, usually a teammate. It is an attacking skill that a team uses to try and progress up the...
This week Year 1 will be experimenting with different materials and testing to see which ones are waterproof. They had lots of fun dressing up as scientists and learning how to complete a fair test! [gallery ids="17487,17488,17489,17490,17491,17492,17493,17494,17495,17496,17497"]...
This week we have started our Talk for Writing / Rhyme Time unit on 'Hickory Dickory Dock'. The pupils learnt the rhyme with actions, using our text map. Once we did this, we worked on creating a new rhyme by changing the mouse in our...
This week, Reception have been designing their own gingerbread men. They took time to observe the shapes and features they would need and chose their own colours for their design too. Next week we will be making salt-dough and baking our very own gingerbread men....
On Wednesday we welcomed six new pupils to Parsloes Primary School. Our new ARP opened on Wednesday with a stay and play session for all the families. As you can see the pupils had great fun and we hope the adults did too [gallery ids="17465,17466,17467,17468,17469,17470,17471,17472,17473,17474"]...
This week in Nursery we have been learning the colours. We were able to sort objects into the different colours and match this with the name. We also played with different coloured blocks and jigsaws. This reinforced our learning. [gallery ids="17454,17455,17456,17457"] ...