At Parsloes Primary School we are committed to offering an inclusive language rich curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs and ability. The school seeks to raise the achievement, remove barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access for all. Carefully chosen texts reflect the diverse communities we teach. All children with SEND are valued, respected and equal members of the school.
School Inclusion Lead / SENDCo
Mrs Basri
We encourage children to become effective communicators, active contributors, confident and ambitious individuals, responsible and caring citizens and successful and independent learners. This allows children to gain cultural capital in order to progress to the next stage of education and into adult life.
We follow our school motto of ‘RUPA’ we are respectful, understanding, have positive attitudes and aspire to achieve both in the school environment and the wider community.
To view Barking and Dagenham’s Local Offer which is a directory of services and is the outcome of partnership working with our local community. Please go to the following website:
If you would like to know more about SEND provision at Parsloes Primary School, please contact us on 0208 270 4925 or email to
Our Intervention
The Meadow Room and the Buttercup Room are provisions set up to meet the complex learning needs for children with social and communication difficulties. These provisions are nurturing environments which are designed to allow children to develop both academically and socially.
As an inclusive school, we make sure that the children in the Meadow and Buttercup Room are also part of the school community and that they are included and play an active role in school life. Children that are part of this provision spend time in the Meadow and Buttercup Room but also in their classrooms with their peers. We also have children who guest into the Buttercup Room for interventions and to play.
The provision is staffed by Specialist Learning Support Assistants and Learning Support Assistants. The provision is overseen by the SENDCo.
Every child in these rooms maximises their learning potential and we are exceptionally proud of their achievements.